26 August 2008

Just a filler post

I always start my day with logging on to my e-mail account and checking mails, then skimming recently-updated friends' blogs and scanning through some political analyses and reviews.. the list goes on...and so, I will spend hours and hours facing the computer each day, be it online or doing my assignments..
Anyway, I reckon there is a serious need for me to strive for an equilibrium between the many things in life so as not to allow my internet addiction affects my studies and other interests!!!

Like any other day, I logged on to my hotmail account and discovered 23 unread mails in my inbox. 23 mails in a matter of 14 hours since the last time I signed in to my account was last night at 11:30pm. 23 unread mails at 2:30pm.
I scanned the list- 22 from the StudyDesk, 1 viral marketing junk, and 1 from a familiar person which the title didn't sound convincing for me to click it at first sight. what now???
So where shall I start??
Easy: delete that viral marketing junk....
So there, 22 unread mails. 21 from the StudyDesk- at this point of time when the assignment due dates are so close, I get nervous when reading those emails.... Can't help it, I nearly had a nervous breakdown last week thanks to it. So I shall leave it to the last- save the worst for last!!!!!!!..
I decided to click on the sole not-from-uni mail. Oooh, short one and it's c.c.ed to me.
"Good," I thought, "It's not really directed to me."
Suddenly, I saw: To (my name) and XXXXXX, *reads the mail*

I wasn't too happy after reading it. It was related to the Plom Nite. *I AM STILL NOT GOING..*
Obviously, some people is desperate and someone is being a kind-hearted soul, practicing CSR......
I didn't know whether to be tickled or appalled.
I thought to myself, "#@!%, the 4 hours John and I sacrificed that day is apparently not enough to save us from further hassle."
I'm wondering if the kind-hearted soul knew what about our "community service". To ask or not to ask.
I chose the latter. John does not seem to mind anyways.

Me?? Oh well........., I'm signing off to get ready for work. Will be back in front of my monitor tonight to continue my assignment.

Permatang Pauh P44???- May the best man win. In hope for a better Malaysia, I'm rooting our former Opposition leader and incumbent's husband. Sept 16, possible??

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