23 September 2008


I'm Drained, physically and mentally


Stressed out.

Shredded nerves.

I wonder why did I subject myself to such a high workload.

All those questions in the pink colour book seem intractable but I will be back. SOON.
I promise.

Just let me go for my long train ride where I can sit back and have time to think and ponder on the subtler points of life, in my private bubble in the train, protected from the hustle and bustle of the outside world....

Just wake me up when November ends.

The last day of November, at least. For at that time, holidays will be descending upon me and I think life would once again exist in my vocabulary....

But when I enter the modern slavery world, I'll probably miss those stack of pulps.

Patience calls. WAIT.

I'm out.

15 September 2008


I'm in a dilemma.

Should I do my MKT2012 assignment 2 in a group? If I do it in a group, there will a be some sort like a bonus mark for teamwork, provided we can create a very interesting team diary. Filling in the team diary is no problem... just create a story that everyone worked together, few conflicts and ta da, 10 bonus marks in my hand which is equivalent to 3%. Attractive, right??

However, to get that 10 bonus marks, I would have to lie that everyone worked together because there is one person who is bound to do more work. This is what you get if the person you trusted most among the rest somehow developed a lackadaiscal attitude towards assignment this semester...

I'm taking three subjects this sem. Last month, I was rushing to complete three assignments. 2 individual assignments, 1 team-based. My team member is taking two subjects this sem. 1 individual, 1 team. Before the 29th August, i was rushing to complete my individual assignments. Pulled off several all-nighters along the way as I only had 2 weeks per assignment. My team member had 1 full month to do his. I completed my 2 assignments on the 27th. I started doing my part of the team-based assignment the next day. There were 5 parts. The deal we made was to split it up to 2-3. The person doing two parts would have to do the intro, conclusion, executive summary, LOT and TOC. At least one part was to be completed on the 30th. I was supposed to do 3 parts of the body: Part A,C,E. My team mate was supposed to do Part B and D + intro and etc.

Come 30th, I finished Part A and was starting on part C and E. Of course, I pulled off another all-nighter on the 28th but stopped on the 29th because of the wrath of my mum. I arrived to college at 9:30a.m. that day, after seeing the doctor. My team member was supposed to come at 10a.m. At 11:15a.m., he called me and told me that he did not sleep the night before and so he wants to sleep in that morning. I unleashed my fury on him and told him, "Fine, just come to college and pass me your share of Part B so that I can edit it. After that, you can go back to sleep.."

He arrived to college at 11:40a.m.

"Where's your Part B?" I asked him.

"Oh, half way through it. I was working from 9a.m. - 4p.m. yesterday. Then I went home to sleep after that till 7 something before I went jamming with my friends at 8p.m. Reached home around 11p.m. and wanted to start Part B but I had gastric because I didn't eat dinner...," he replied. Excuses, excuses, excuses...

I gave up on him and did his share of Part D because the due date was on the 5th Septmeber. There went my National Day holidays, dedicated to completing my Part C and E including his Part D. Finished it on the 2nd. Thank goodness he finished his Part B on the 2nd. He promised to do the intro and conclusion that night and let me see on the 3rd. However, something told me that he would not keep his promise. I spent 3 hours after class on the 2nd doing the intro and his list of references as he did not do it.

On the 3rd, he told me, "Oh, i'm supposed to do the conclusion and intro, right? Ok, I'll do the conclusion now and do the intro tonight."

"I've done the intro. Can't wait for you," I told him. I was pissed.

"Sorry, I was too tired after class so I went to sleep as soon as I reached home,"

While he did the conclusion, I did the table of contents for him. He ended up doing Part B of the contents, conclusion, executive summary and letter of transmittal only.

So much for doing it in a team......

I'm doing my MKT3007 assignment 2 with him again and I do expect another round of excuses. I had to do the draft all by myself. If I'm going to do MKT2012 with him again, I think I would end up doing the major parts of the assignment again. Thus, I would be better of if I do it by myself.

Looking for another group member is NOT an option. The rest prefers working individually.

Well, I getting use to it. Half way through my MKT2004 assignment 2. Plan to finish the major parts by this Thursday and start on MKT2012 assignment 2 this weekend. If all goes well, both assignments should be done by the first week of October so I can start on MKT3007 assignment 2. Of course, this includes his share. Who knows, he can come up with another excuse that he has to go Christmas shopping....

04 September 2008


Hope this is enough to cheer the author of The Journals@ budding LAE up. Later he don't want to help me maintain my plane at a discounted price (when I become a billionaire)!!!! Hehehehe

Name: KJ

Sisters: 1

Brothers: 0

Shoe size: 7

Height : 1.6_m (can't remember)

Where do you live: Refer to my profile

Favourite drinks: Yeo's Green Tea

Favourite breakfast: Eggs

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes, but not on an A380. Any sponsors???

Swam in the ocean : Nope

Fallen asleep at school : Yes, I was sick so forgiven. I've dozed off a couple of times...

Broken someone's heart: No leh, that person didn't die. I didn't not see any obituary in the newspaper...

Fell off your chair : Yes, when I was kid...

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Sat by the phone all night- No because it's the case that my hp is beside me.

Saved e-mails: Yes, everything related to my studies, AirAsia itinerary... :) Thank God for the bigger storage capacity...

What is your room like : Study table, bed, cupboard, book cabinet, loads of junk...

What's right beside you: Services Marketing 4 textbook by Christopher Lovelock and co.... (Harvard referencing not needed because this isn't my assignment). I'm going to start doing my tutorials right after this.... :)

What is the last thing you ate: Rice, chicken and vegetables (very balanced diet, huh)

Ever had chicken pox: No; vaccine- yes

Sore throat: Yes... this is what you get for laughing, screaming and talking too much.

Stitches: None

Broken nose: No, Praise God.

Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes

Who was the last person you danced with: Dance like there's no tomorrow..by Paula Abdul

Last made you smile: Oh, I'm a very cheerful person so I smile everyday.. AS IF

You last yelled at: Myself

Today did you:

Talk to someone you like: ???

Kissed anyone: No

Get sick: No, Thank God

Talk to an ex: No

Miss someone: Today only? Nope.

Eat: Duh, question answered earlier under What did you last ate? Had that for my dinner an hour ago...

Best feeling in the world: Satisfaction from hard work.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yes

What's under your bed: The floor

Who do you really hate: can't reveal it here. My blog's open to public so it's not safe to reveal it.

What time is it now?: 8:30pm


Is there a person who is on your mind now : GOD and yeah, how am I going to face my lecturer tomorrow if my tutorials aren't finish.. A promise made must be kept. Oh ya, I'm a good girl..

Do you have any siblings: Aiyoh, refer to question #2

Do you want children: Only if I can afford to give them the best.. wouldn't want my kids to starve or be deprived of education and etc.

Do you smile often: Answered already..

Do you like your hand-writing: I'm proud of it... :)

Are your toe nails painted: No

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: My parents' bed

What color shirt are you wearing now: White

What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: In class, talking rubbish..

I can't wait till: I finish this tag graduate

When did you cry last : two weeks back. Thank you, assignments for stressing me out...

Are you a friendly person: I don't think so. Mummy told me cannot simply talk to strangers....!!!!!!!

Do you have any pets: Nope. Bobby the dog does not belong to me...

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: On Earth

Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Nope

Do you sleep with the TV on?: What's a TV?? ... TV=TiVo??? If yes, the answer is no cos I'm not in U.S.

What are you doing right now?: typing this.

Have you ever crawled through a window?: No

Can you handle the truth?: Depends. If it is to my favour, yes.. if not, no

Are you too forgiving?: Not so

Are you closer to your mother or father?: Father

Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Myself and my pillow

How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: Oooh, I *heart* everyone. An analogy of Barney the purple dinosaur..

Do you eat healthy?: Trying. hard.

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: ex- what's that?? EXample, EXam, EXpert, EXuberant...

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Definitely yes.

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: My pillow and GOD

Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: In class- super noisy

Are you confident?: Depends...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

(i) Study

(ii) Tuition

(iii) Sleep

(iv) Eat

(v) Play

5 things on my to-do list today:

(i) Sleep

(ii) Online

(iii) Eat

(iv) bath

(v) My Services Marketing tutorials

5 snacks I enjoy:

(i) I love food

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:

(i) Answer to be revealed when I'm one..

5 of my bad habits:

(i) Sleep a lot

(ii) bad tempered

(iii) Breaking rules...

(iv) Procrastination

(v) etc.. Too many, you see.. I'm bad.

5 people to tag: Didn't I mention that I love breaking rules? So I'm going to break the rule now. I'm not tagging anyone.. Don't want the rest to suffer the same fate as me!!!! Just joking, Keith.