22 June 2008

A sign that you have been studying too much...

You hear this calling that there will be CLASS on a SUNDAY NIGHT during exam period...

It's NOT Me.

It's E and C, 2 course mates of mine. E sms-ed me at 1:50pm, informing me that there will be class tonight from 7-9pm. I was shocked. WHAT??? Class on a Sunday NIGHT?? What on earth has happened?? I called her to reconfirm and she told me that C, another course mate of mine, told her that there will be revision class tonight and C heard it from God-knows-who.
So I sms-ed the lecturer asking him whether it was true that there will class tonight. I think he was laughing his head off upon reading the message. (Yeah, I know it was a total insult to my sanity and intelligence to ask such a stupid question when I could guess the answer myself but I wanted an answer from the most credible source. Who knows, somebody might get overly dedicated so better be safe than sorry...) Still, he had the courtesy to reply the stupid question, though it would be an insult to one's intelligence too by doing so (blame it on those two students of yours, Sir. Me excluded. Yes, I was conducting a source credibility experiment!!!!) No class..... Duh, why would there be class tonight, right? After all, it's a Sunday- a day of rest. Everyone needs a rest including the college and the lecturer (who became a subject of my course mates' hallucination!!). Having classes on Saturday nights, Sundays (and the eves of any festivals too) should be condemn as tenable for eternal damnation- That's the rule of thumb of every student and I'm sure every human knows that.

Several possibilities how E and C got that news earlier on:
- C and E must be missing classes or the lecturer too much that they think about it (or him) 24-7 ever since the last class and they probably had some wild thoughts that there would be class tonight because class=can see lecturer...roflmao. my friends are real hardcore fans of classes/ the lecturer, which is which?!!. PS: Lecturer's attached, people. No longer S&A, if you know what I mean..
- Side effects of studying too much. Studying can cause you to be delusional as proven by my 2 friends.

ARRRRGH, my course mates are scaring the wits out of me.

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