11 July 2008

News and woes of betide

News and woes of betide. Sem 1, 2008 exam result's are out.

**Cue melodramatic music**
I'm relieved with what I have:- 1HD, 1A and 1B, and I thank God for being with me in so many ways throughout the semester.
Dad wasn't particularly pleased with the Credit I obtained for Leadership as he thinks that it caused my results this semester to slightly deteriorate from my last sem's results.
Hence the downfall.
*Glances down in silent salute as the once great ship sinks*
But I'm grinning ear to ear over my results, considering the fact that I self-studied this subject without the guidance of any local lecturers. Despite how much I detested the banality of reading the dry Leadership textbook (oh yeah, the other texts book too but if given a choice NOW, I would rather read my Market Research and Consumer Behaviour textbook than read the Leadership textbook!!), I managed to pull it through with acceptable assignment marks and using personal wits, savvy and common sense to go through the final exam (and of course, with the blessings from God). Studying for Leadership was like I've hit a glass ceiling, wanting to break out, yet unable to, so at the end I felt only resentment. So I'm overjoyed with the fact that I'm over with Leadership with a B -quite a respectable grade in my opinion.
I'm glad that my efforts to answer the questions on the Study Desk for Consumer Behaviour paid off too. At the very least, I did some charity by helping my other friends with their exam preparation. :)
On a more serious note, I'm feeling slightly detached, as well as relieved. Credits goes to my lecturers for guiding me through the fundamental parts of the course contents. At least, I can look Mr Alan and Ms Sharifah in the eye, with confidence that I did not let them down. Well, none of us disappointed them as we all passed...Kudos, people..
As for Market Research, I detested SPSS to the core of it while in the midst of completing the Assignment 2, but I eventually started liking the subject as well as SPSS, though I'm not passionate about it. But exactly where I'll go with Research remains to be seen. Time will tell, I suppose!!!
Unfortunately, the overwhelming feeling of ecstasy is followed closely by the distressing hollowness of reality that Semester 2 is going to start in exactly 9 days time. It will definitely be an upstream battle against stress and another self-study subject next semester but I hope to get through it without scathed. So I shall gather myself and work through it. Best wishes.


dilz said...

How many more days of holidaying left? =P

kj said...

Thanks. Semester starts on the 21st of June. Sigh. Time passes by real fast, huh?? Looks like I just can't get enough of holidays...

dilz said...

Another week! Enjoy it while it lasts =P