15 June 2008

Daddy Geniuses

Daddy is really a bright spark with a big heart. He wasn't highly educated. In fact, my sister and I are even more academically qualified than him or Mum (thanks to his financing, though), but this does not make us (or only me) more knowledgeable than Dad in all aspects of life.

Every Sunday, Dad makes it a point to buy Sunday Star for our reading pleasure to complement the Borneo Post. I bet you Dad would rather buy Sin Chew Daily since it's cheaper than The Star and has a wide coverage of both local and national news with some added bits and pieces of information that can't be found in English dailies. But being an accommodative person that he is, Dad would spend RM1 more to by Star because of my linguistic ability in the Chinese language that is beyond salvage. Yes, saya seorang rakyat Malaysia berbangsa Cina tetapi tidak fasih bertutur, membaca and menulis Bahasa Cina. For the record, I can speak a bit of my mother tongue (often with inaccurate pronunciation) and understand some normal everyday conversations but I have lost the ability to write and read Mandarin characters in Primary 4 (the day I finally managed to convince Dad to let me quit Mandarin tuition since it was pointless sending me there as I consistently failed every tests and a nice egg for my spelling test that I call the "listen, write". I could have passed if the teacher did not help me jumble the words up during test time!!!). Yup, I'm a gone case. Therefore, I should change my bangsa to Pisang the next round I fill in any forms. I'm proud to be a banana.

Anyway, last Sunday, as I was flipping through the Sunday Star, I saw the word "caveat emptor". Thinking that it was some legal term like stare decisis, res ipsa loquitur, obiter dicta, ratio decidendi, per incurium, mens rea, or something related to caveat on land, I asked dad what it meant as he knows some legal terms too. He's not a lawyer, doesn't have an LLB nor a diploma, did not study Commercial Law or Company Law unlike me, but he's one street smart guy, I have to say.
Me: Hmm, caveat emptor.... D [short form for Daddy], what is caveat emptor?
Dad: You know the answer
Me: Huh? If I knew the answer, I wouldn't be asking you.
Dad: You know the answer..
Me: *silent* (tried recalling back where did I hear that word.) Oh yeah, caveat emptor and caveat venditor. Yup, I learnt it in Consumer Behaviour lecture. (Heck, how could I forget the words caveat emptor and caveat venditor? Mr Alan was trying to drum those two terms into our saturated brains that night while I related the word venditor to vendetta as in V for Vendetta. Problem is I have forgotten what it meant.). *ran to get my CB textbook and start flipping through the pages to find that word. Why must it be so thick??*
Me: Oh yeah, caveat emptor means let the buyer beware. Profit maximization, subjected to legal constraints. Consumer interests less favoured. The antonym is caveat venditor which means let the seller beware. Consumer interests favoured.
Dad: See, I told you that you know the answer.
Me: Ya lah, but I forgot ma...
Dad: *smirks* Forgot. Exam's coming up, ar you....
Me: Aiyah, I haven't started my revision for Consumer Behaviour. I will start as soon as Leadership's over. Wait a minute, D. How did you know that I know what caveat emptor is? Have you been reading my Consumer Behaviour textbook?
Dad: Just a wild guess. Why would I be reading your textbooks, anyway??

Dad's a genius, man.

Position of
"the world's most loving, caring, considerate, understanding, thoughtful, smartest, best-est and all those other characteristics that make a father a one-in-an-infinity position"
is hands down filled by my Dad :)

Happy Father's Day, D.

You are the best daddy.

老爸, 我爱你.


kEiTh said...

Hi KJ,

I'm a banana too. Cool! Cant write, cant read, fortunately enough I am still able to speak a little. Haha :) Today is Father's Day. It is great to have gathering among your family members with joy and laughter in the house? Yeah, our dad is the best ever. I remembered when I was still as young as 3 years old, my dad used to bring me to see aeroplanes everyday just beside the runway. The good thing is he is working with MAS as well, and that's why I am able to get an once in a lifetime chance to study this course. Otherwise, I may still walking around the streets, wandering what to study after my school bench. My dad has been planning for my future, he is the one who brings me into the aviation world. Hope my story does not make you fall asleep. It is my pride to share with you, Tee hee.

Happy Weekends!
ChEeRs :)

kj said...

Keith, i didn't know that you were a banana too. haha. Banana's unite..But I'm proud to be a banana. Hehehe. Yup, our dads are the greatest. Don't worry, it didn't make me fall asleep. Only textbooks make me fall asleep!!! Likewise, my dad encouraged me to take up business after I found that I didn't enjoy math in Form 6 so it was no point to take up engineering. I wanted to do law but again, my dad discouraged me to do so because of the CLP which is quite difficult. Now that it's abolished, my dad asked me to take up law as a postgraduate degree. But I told him that I will decide once the time comes.. Haha.. Anyway, my dad supports me in everything I do, just like your dad and your mum. Anyway, have a great week ahead. Enjoy your OJTs and hope it will be productive week for you. God bless.