30 May 2009


the willowy woman with her trademark plastic smile. Her blonde hair always tied back to reveal a pair of dangling white gold earrings, and a Hermes Berkin handbag hung elegantly from her slender arm...

You think money comes easy.

Yes, it does but it only comes easy for some people. Not all. Perhaps those affluent ones only.

You get your monthly pocket money at the end of the month, just like most wage earners.

But do you know how hard your "pocket money giver" slog throughout the month just to give you your pocket money?
Your pocket money giver might be a professional. Perhaps an architect, a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, a QS, a business owner....
But do you know how hard he/she works every day: how hard he/she strives to get clients; how hard he/she fights to get debtors to pay them; how he/she faces rude and dissatisfied clients though he/she have done his/her very best to please them...
Do you know the sleepless nights he/she had, while you were snugged up on your super king size bed..

Do you know how hard we slog throughout the month just to get our wages to keep us alive for the next month?

You say you work too.
But you only work three times a week, save perhaps on saturdays when you got to work for the whole day.

I work too. The difference is that I work for 5 full days, unlike you. Sometimes, I work for 5 and a half days.

Besides your salary, you get pocket money from your "ATM" too. I don't.

You might be one of those loyal followers of The Almighty but at the same time, you are among the biggest hypocrites I have met.

Before I click the Publish button, may I humbly ask you this:

Please fell the flesh of his palms.
Feel the difference..

Please take a good look at this face.
Look at the difference.

Do feel the rough skin?
The hands roughen by hard work,
the years of labour he endured...

Do you see the fine wrinkles on his face?
The years of struggles he endured..

How he gave up the best years of his life for you and the family,
Just so that you would be able to buy all those moisturizer and skin care products for your precious skin,
Just so that you can go for your bi-monthly facial and manicure appointments,
Just so that you can go for your twice weekly saloon hairwash,
Just so that you can patronize those shopping malls..
Just so that you can have the best of everything..
Just so that you can throw your PS3 and Nintendo Wii out and get
the XBox 360, the DS Lite, the iPOD Mano Chromatic 16GB,
Just so that you can hand your Pentium 3 laptop to your pocket money giver in exchange for a netbook..
Just so that you can do your part of community service...
That is to help the economy,
at his/her expense.

Thank YOU.

17 May 2009


If you're wondering what's with the corny blog-title - well, brain cells tend to be rather inactive.

I have been extremely busy so sorry for the lack of updates...
I intend to keep this post sweet and simple too :) Okay, I want to keep it short, but who cares..
I'm just doing this to honour and thank THOSE PEOPLE whose DAY was YESTERDAY, May 16th.
Thank you for teaching me
pro bono, out of your own initiatives and sincere desires to improve my final grade.
Thank you for being perspicacious and censorious. You were (are) careful in pointing out the many nuances of the assignments and examination.
You were awe-inspiring and outstanding (not
this definition of outstanding!!). Your thinking and approach was formidable. Your clear-headed reasoning and organized and structured thinking processis something that I am still trying to master and grasp. If anything that I am trying to emulate from you is your entrepreneurial spirit.
Yes, I want to conquer the mountain of business and finance... but where's the feasible business plan?? Don't ask. I have yet to think of anything.
Epilogue: I am talking about Marketing Channels, the subject that was marshaled by an enthusiastic and seasoned lecturer, whom I have paid my tribute to
here. His presence and tutelage is a boost for the course as he provides students with a rare standpoint and perspective as a business and marketing man.
Not to forget is the group of other very eager and talented LECTURErs
. I remember fondly my spar with you, you, you and you. They are all skilled people who gave many helpful feedbacks for my assignment.

Okay, I tried writing a good, proper post but I failed (thanks to another long two weeks), so I've decided that I'm going to hit the publish button once I've said enough.

I am going to hit the button now.

13 May 2009

I am not oblivous to happening around me

Yes, I am aware of what is going on right now at the soon-to-be-replaced building at PJ and also across the South China Sea.

Yes, I might have called for a premature celebration.

But I just can't blog.

Launching my lethargic body to post something is torturous.

I fear this blog will remain stagnant soon. Perhaps until the end of May.

Thousand apologies.

11 May 2009

Lower 6 started today.

This was what I remember learning about Malaysia from the Pengajian Am and Malaysian Studies textbook:

Government type: Constitutional monarchy. Nominally headed by a paramount ruler. Bicameral parliament that consists of a non-elected House of Senate and elected House of Representative. Democracy.
Three bodies: Legislative Body (Bicameral parliament), Executive Body (Headed by Prime Minister) as the and Judiciary Body.
*our Judiciary is independent of the Executive, and that the Legislative is an untouchable sanctity of a parliamentary democracy.

For once, I can reconcile with what the Pengajian Am textbook says. Yes, you might call me a cuckoo for being a slow learner. Perhaps I am really a cuckoo. But I know, after 11th May 2009, I will remember the message above that is bold in green. High court Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim showed me the way! Confidence. Dignity.. INTEGRITY and 1Malaysia. Thank you for remembering to uphold the precedent on Stephen Kalong Ningkan,\.

We all know, there are still two more appellate Courts after the High Court in this process:- Court of Appeal and Federal Court. So Zambry and his teams of worthy lawyers can always appeal, which I think they would anyways. But I remain optimistic in this case. I refuse to believe that at best, it is only the High Court until I hear it myself from the mouth of the two Courts.

Anyway, the next best solution would be to call the election and let the people decide who should be the MB. That will be our ultimate judge given the context of a democratic country.

But who am I to say.

Please don't mind me, I am just spouting nonsense again.

The long hand strikes 12MN.
I got to click "Publish Post" soon.
A long two weeks or so beckons, beginning tomorrow.
Just wake me up when May ends.

People always say that they wish they could become a student again. Me too.
Can I go back to become a student again?

10 May 2009

No such thing as Pause/Rewind.

Some days I feel things move so fast and I am afraid of what happens when it all ends. And yet I can’t slow it down, it feels too right, this speed. This is comfortable. This is scary.

In any case, I have 9 hours before I'm off to work. Sigh. Weekend's over. Fast.

I hardly do anything nowadays except a bit of entertainment and tv after dinner. Then it's off to slumber land. I have not even finished the Bible. I barely even reached like one-tenth of it. It is a disaster, I know. I miss bumming around. It is a recuperation remedy that seems ideal after a hectic week!!

Wistful thinking. Unrealistic desires. Too bad life is not that way. No such thing as Pause/Rewind.

Work is not that bad actually. The environment suits me perfectly. I love it actually, just that I'm suffering from inferiority complex. It just takes a mere 5 minutes to get myself confused. I'm so hopeless, really. Oh well, paranoia has gone rampant.

May be I should not dawdle over tomorrow as yet.

Good night peeps. I'm out.

07 May 2009

I sit back and think:

What has happened to Perak?

What has happened to 1Malaysia?

Okay, I wasn't at the Perak State Assembly to witness the event but why must V. Sivakumar be physically removed from his chair and physically dragged out, as if he has no feet to walk?



I shall miss you most ardently, Democracy.

Fare thee well and I shall bid You adieu.