08 September 2009

I tell you..

Arguing for forever and not come to any definite conclusion is NOT FUN.

Worst of all, if we were actually arguing over a DOG.

That dog which I think he would appreciate me more if I give him scraps rather than his Arcana kibble.
That dog which I gotta feed every morning by 7:30am and every evening by 5:30pm when you can just sleep in.
That dog which I have spent more of my salary on him than I spent on myself.

I have no idea how to alleviate the tense atmosphere now- the bitterness and the rage at the injustice of having to do everything for something you did not want in the first place back in 2008 when you cheerfully announced over dinner, "He's gonna be ours."

"NOoooooo, "

Bygones. Memories. Afterthought.

Let bygones be bygones.